If you have a chance to get on the property ladder, even when interest rates are not ideal, it is often worth jumping on it. After all, you are not stuck with the same interest rate forever; if necessary, you can refinance later. Here are some advantages of getting on the property ladder.
- No more throwing money into a black hole. The first huge benefit of getting on the property ladder is that you can stop spending money on rent. Paying rent does not build equity; you just are making another person rich, while you continue to simply get by. When you own your own home, you can stop draining money away where you will never see it again.
- Gain from your investment. Another big reason to get on the property ladder is because the equity you build is likely to rise in value over time. The housing market can sometimes crash, but if you stay in your home for long enough, it likely will bounce back and then climb again. Over recent years, we have seen massive climbs in home values in Virginia and beyond. Only those who own real estate have been able to see a corresponding rise in their own net worth.
- Buying another home in the future gets easier. The reason the property “ladder” is referred to as such is because once you get on the lowest rung, you often have an increasing ability to climb. Each rung on the ladder represents property. You start out with a lower value property. Then, you can use your gains from that property to buy a new, higher-value property after the sale of the previous one. You can keep doing that over and over, moving into more expensive and luxurious homes over time. None of that is possible if you do not get on that first rung though. So, it pays off to do so at your first opportunity, assuming that it fits within your financial capabilities.
Buy a Home in Virginia with a Competitive Mortgage
Are you ready to experience the financial advantages of getting on the property ladder with your first home? We are here to make it happen.
Please give us a call at (540) 838-5868 to schedule your mortgage consultation. We can help you buy a home in the Blacksburg area or anywhere in Virginia.